Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fence Painting in Yellow Springs

The Yellow  Springs Arts Council has a fabulous wee gallery  located on Corry Street but it's set back off the street and people often don't notice it. Nancy has been itching to paint the fence to the left of the gallery for years with something eyecatching. We finally got around to it and it's definitely eye catching and most definately out of my comfort zone colourwise. But we work with what we have and thanks to a dear donor (you know who you are ♥) we were able to buy primer and black/white paint.  
 So for several days with have been busting our backsides trying to get this done before the weather get's too cold, This is the fence halfway done, and I think it's definitely  Eye catching, right?
I don't think anyone can walk past the arts council and NOT notice this,lol!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Painted Acorns

I have been gone a month, but I don't think Nancy had time to miss me. Apart from the usual Arts Council gallery activities, she was setting up paint a rock at Street Fair, and planning for the upcoming Yellow Springs Open Studio Tour this coming weekend.  Our very own jafapal Talitha Greene will be part of the Open Studio Tour listed on the interactive map HERE


in between it all Nancy managed to have some fun painting acorns with her paint pens. 
I didn't manage to get any art done while away, but I did get a lot of pics of my travels in Arizona posted on Instagram.

Corrine Bayraktaroglu (@jafabrit) * Instagram photos and videos

I 📷 things - I 🎨 things - I sew things ❤️ - I ✏️ things -This is my life Jafagirls.com

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Week SIX: Jafagirl Residency at Dayton Metro Library Northwest Branch

This was our FINAL week of our residency and what a fabulous experience it's been for so many reasons. We even managed to add two more installations on the spur of the moment, on the fly so to speak. We installed this stripey creature on a pole in the children's section on Tuesday and added some of the left over felt flowers some of the patrons made. On Friday we got it into our heads that the pole near the front entrance needed dots, although we did add one square at the suggestion of one of the Library Volunteers ♥ A fab suggestion that made our day and made the pole extra special. 
felt art, craftbombing
The stones and paint pens continued to be popular although some patrons enjoyed trying the crazy felting. The biggest kick for us, and the most exciting, was seeing the spark of inspiration in patrons exploring the 
possibilities of what they could use and do beyond what we were showing. 
Can't go without mentioning the absolutely brilliant send off song from Branch Manager Sharon Taste, as we were packed and ready to leave. So glad we had this time together too.

Nancy & Corrine

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week FIVE:Jafagirl Residency at Dayton Metro Library Northwest Branch

Sticks and Stones
We had a few people lining up to get into the Opportunity Room this week and what FUN. Our Sticks and Stones sessions were really popular. Patrons as young as 4 were getting into it and we were packed the whole session.
Some of the stones were just adorable.
Hey, we got to PLAY too.
Many patrons got into the spirit of things and went wild decorating spirit sticks.

On our studio time we installed the flower power panel to the post and then got into
the finishing details, adding more flowers over the seam, and an embroidered sign.
The installations are permanent and belong to the library, so people can continue to enjoy them as long as the library wishes to keep them up. A few more tweaks and stitches and we will be done. 

PS. if you have any questions about our projects please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact form to the right.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Week FOUR: Jafagirl Residency at Dayton Metro Library Northwest Branch

The Opportunity Room at the Library became the Meditation Room this week. 
There is something very soothing and meditative about wrapping yarn around a stick. The Harry Lauder sticks seemed popular with adults and children alike and kept even the younger patrons engaged. It was a delight
to sit and chat with several patrons and share stories. Vicky spent more than an hour
with us and delighted us with stories about some of her craft projects. One patron said she was going to add stones to several of the sticks and display them in a basket. There are many ways I have used mine, either spray painted and hung on the wall
to hang art from 
or use for an art photograph to frame
As part of our residency we also gave a talk/slide show and we were just delighted to meet, Jule Rastikis, the President of Board of Directors for the Salem Avenue Peace Corridor. We had contacted them about an idea for their Peace Project, and we are happy that they like it. 

History of the Peace Corridor

Inception and history of the Salem Avenue Peace Corridor

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Week THREE: Jafagirl Residency at Dayton Metro Library Northwest Branch

Let's just call it what it was;  MAYHEM on 

Tuesday evening, or wait was it Wednesday? It's all become a blur lol! BUT it was GLUE MAYHEM I tell you, MAYHEM! 
Tip: Don't give small children glue bottles
The creativity room was packed, but out of the Glue Mayhem we got some happy patrons and some lovely flowers. So it was all good. 
This was the last week of working on felt flowers so Nancy and I were able to start assembling them. No master plan on how to assemble, so we just winged it. Senior Patron Library Assistant Linda Jackson felt the power of the flower and popped in to give us a hand. Here is a sneak peek of the panel which will be installed on one of the posts in the library. 
felt craft
We did manage to get the blue felt butterflies up this week, yay!
felt crafts
Next week it's yarn wrapping Harry Lauder Sticks and making knit twits.
"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try" - Dr. Seuss

Friday, August 19, 2016

Mr.Plato and Wheelchair Accessibility Map AXS by Jason DaSilva

felt craft activism
Mr.Plato is hanging out in the Dayton Metro Library Northwest Branch but he is not just a PRETTY face, he has a message for those who rely on a wheelchair to get around. 

Disabled? There's (more than one) app for that.

Jason DaSilva said after he developed multiple sclerosis about 10 years ago, getting out got more complicated. "There were times that I was finding it impossible just to go out and meet a friend at a bar, or have a date," he said, speaking in his apartment in Queens, New York.
Here is a link to the AXS map. The app is free and easy to use, easy to input info onto so you can let others know if a place is accessible. 

community craft activism
Hanging out at the Little Art Theatre
About Mr.Plato
 He is a resuscitation mannequin I picked up at a garage sale in 2009. I drove by Nancy's to show her and as I was driving away she chased after the car waving frantically to stop me. I stopped and she said excitedly "let's FELT him".  He was stretched out on Nancy's dining table for 3 months as we worked on him. Originally we were hoping to use him as part of a street installation but that didn't work out. For a while we played a game of hide and seek and would leave him in various locations around Yellow Springs and then give clues to the public on our blog to his whereabouts. Alas he got kicked out of the Little Art after a couple of weeks because he scared the patrons ;) We also take him on little trips.
wheelchair AXS map info

Pop into the library and say Hello.

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation"  Plato