Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Street Art: Blue Felt Butterflies

 We did these back in 2012 and installed them outside Bonadies on Xenia Avenue. It's amazing how well they've lasted. For a few months some were installed at the Dayton Art Institute.
The Merry Dressmaker: Yarn Bombing & Other Fiber and Textile Art at DAI
 then back on Dayton Street for a while.
In 2014 they were displayed in the  Springfield Museum of Art 
Springfield Art Museum
Now they are back on Dayton Street outside 
Atomic Fox (and if you pop in tell the owner you like the blue butterflies and you might just get a discount) I was recently asked by a tour group to Yellow Springs how long the textile installations last. My answer is that it depends on the kind of dye and quality of the yarn or felt. In this case while the blue felt has lost its vibrancy, they are still a pretty blue and in good shape even after 3 years being mostly outdoors through rain, snow and sun. Oh, I forgot, yes Nancy put then through the washing machine once. Still looking good eh!
So if you are visiting Yellow Springs, Ohio keep your eyes open for more blue butterflies. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Work for Sale by the Jafagirls

Recently I had two enquirers about buying our work, of course they only can pay with bank transfer/cashiers cheque, and they need the work for a new apartment ;) You know where this is heading right?

We do have work for sale and any buyers of course are most welcome to visit the below establishments or contact them.
They will gladly answer any questions regarding our work and payment arrangements.

Nancy is at Village Artisans
Corrine is represented by Sherly Kostic at  In a Frame
Talitha has work at Glen Helen Gift Shop
and currently
Talitha and I have work in the 
#ysgram exhibit at the Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mayhem at the Herndon Gallery

Seriously, I didn't know the jafagirls were
 going to be this involved in the Herndon Gallery Exhibit but honored and excited to be invited. I came back from a trip to Taiwan and Nancy said, "HIAY! here is the list of things we have to do by next week." PHEWflippingHECK!
 So in between jet lag, feeling crumpled, unpacking, crossed eyes, and jet lag, oh! did I mention that already, erm, I am stitching and bitching up a STORM.
Talitha has a painted panel from The Mills Park Fence Art Gallery Project included and Nancy and I are installing old and new street art pieces (yarn and textile) into "TAG!Territorial Negotiations". 

The Herndon Gallery opens "TAG! Territorial Negotiations"

I believe the DJ for the opening reception is going to be Shane Creepingbear YEA!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mayhem at the Museum

and the thought of doing an installation was intimidating, especially when I saw the pile of STUFF. We had no schematic drawings of how we were going to do it yikes, BUT as with a lot of things Nancy and I have done, we winged it.  After nearly 8 hours we 
decorated resuscitation doll
painted three chalk trees for visitors to decorate, and Deb Housh (Museum Educator) attached 
the magnetic board for Mr.Plato. Meanwhile 
Springfield Museum of Art
Nancy and I got Felt Man up. Visitors are welcome to attach pieces of felt to him ;)

More work to do today.
Meanwhile a big thanks to everyone at the Springfield Museum of Art
Kathy Moulton for the use of her bench
Talitha Greene for loaning us the fan for display.

cheers all